Posted: March 5, 2021 by mm

We are in full Covid 3 phase, second spring in lockdown. Not even in our dreams we would ever aspire to get a leading role of such a twisted science-fiction movie. Nevertheless here we are, another morning awake in our bed, surrendered or fighting based on our personality … maybe I will seem as an eternal positive, but honestly I’m just a simple realist who has decided in life, to turn every difficulty into an opportunity. Useless to break down or complain, pure loss of non-repayable energy. (continues below)

Sometimes it doesn’t take much. today I just went out and bought myself a bouquet of tulips. Not even to do it on purpose coordinated with the outfit of the day and with Ciccio, poor fellow, who cooked in two sizes sweater larger than him.

The funniest thing of the day was that Ciccio’s pee came out like a baroque fountain under his neck because the sweater, given its length, covered his more delicate parts … What he wouldn’t do for love….

Yours, Moni