Home is not a place, is a feeling

Posted: November 10, 2020 by Monika

I can honestly say that in the last 10 years of my life I have been extremely marked by an immeasurable passion for furnishing homes and decorating. Everyone teases me now because they know that as soon as I finish furnishing a house, I need to move. So often, I leave some rooms unfinished on purpose in order to avoid always having the movers in the house. I my early age (I moved in my first home at 17!) I didn’t care at all what to combine with what, the important thing was to have a bed, a kitchen and keep the environment clean enough, my first purchases from Ikea are memorable, like the first Billy bookcases or the senseless candles you have to buy when you arrive at the checkout ☺ ☺

But now my home is my base, my safety and my refuge if necessary.

Few selected people enter my house (pass by a detailed scanner ☺ ☺). Even if it doesn’t seem like it, I am very selective, especially in recent years, when it comes to people who come into my private.

Yours, Moni