Posted: March 21, 2021 by Monika

I am figuring out more and more that in the past recent years I have tried to get out of the box and to counteract everything that is ordinary. Reaching a certain age and having internal security truly gives one the freedom to say and do what one really wants. A priceless achievement of balance. (continues below)

This photo, thanks to Missoni’s ziz zag lines, in fact reminds me of those old notebooks that I used to color as a child and I was very careful not to go outside the edges, in order to deliver to the teacher a clear, clean and impeccable work and receive the highest mark.

Today? I would paint ONLY outside the edges to not be like everyone else, because perfection does not exist, we are all born original and so we should stay…. and we should give ourselves the mark we believe we deserve.

At the end I have to say, this dress is one of the pieces I wear quite often in summer, for the easy way to wear it, it ís wide (so, you don’t have to constantly hold your breath!), colorful so it goes well with any color of the sandals or clutch bags and above all it does not wrinkle in the luggage. 

Picture taken at home in Puglia, at the sunset, ready to go out for dinner to Gallipoli. My favorite spot for a drink is BLAC CAFE’, an old house in the middle of the town with NO ROOF! J’adore! @blancgallipoli

Yours, Moni